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I am thrilled to the core about what this course has taken me through in terms of exciting perspectives on life, on nature, on how to act and be in it all. I would do it all over again in an instant.
Christina Busk, Miljøpolitisk Chef, The Danish Plastics Foundation

The course on ‘Art and Personal Leadership’ conducted by Birgitte has, for me, been about moving towards a more conscious practice – about learning something new from the natural world and about unlearning other things. As part of a strong and at the same time vulnerable community of inspiring women, with artists as our teachers, we moved through the May-coloured forest without spending time on explaining it. From time to time, I would disappear into deep landscapes outside of chronological time. In the process, I learned to sense the agency of trees and how they affect my inner space, guided by Shëkufe Tadayoni Heiberg. I am still practicing, still making an effort to listen to the last weird dream of the night and to my forgotten ancestors, who I know very well are whispering to me in this very moment. Even when my leadership and practice are disturbed by hectic activity and my own personal expectations, I can be comfortable with myself if I practice listening attentively to nature and my connection to it. Thank you, Birgitte, for your incredibly brilliant facilitation, for the community of clever female voices, the outstanding artists and the important questions and conversations that come with all this (and not least the integrity and learning you contribute every time!). It has been a momentous journey, and one I hope will go on and on.

The artistic angle was deeply relevant, eye-opening and fantastic – all the more so because I often, in my own practice as an exhibition architect, work with artists. One of the most important aspects of the course was the feeling of community – the sense of not being entirely alone and of finding so much inspiration for alternative ways of being in the world. A desire to walk down new paths ... and inspiration for provocative, mind-blowing thoughts as I begin to consider specific, concrete ways for those ideas to actually enter our lives. It’s been about hope, joy and about fighting many new fights, which will be exciting, deeply relevant, and
absolutely challenging.

Architect and Scenographer

Birgitte is a fantastic facilitator, and the course hits on something completely unique that we need today – as people and as a society. Personal leadership is relevant for all of us – and Birgitte creates a space where leaders can grow and evolve together and individually.
The course has been enriching – on several levels. Birgitte’s strong presence and committed approach to the artists and course participants alike created a space where there is room to simply be. Where you are who you are. The course has made me want to go further, exploring more of the paths that have been made visible to me.

Katja Fabrin

Through inspiring presentations from artists as well as stimulating reflections and discussions, Birgitte creates a very special space in her ‘Being in Practice’ course. It has shown me how important and right it is to be inspired by art and nature. To hone one’s senses, to become comfortable and familiar with yourself and thereby access the magic of everyday life.
Ellen Kathrine Hansen, M Arch MAA, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Lighting Design Research Group and Master Programme

When you take part in Birgitte's course, you find yourself awash in a very special, heartfelt, poetic and loving energy. We have been challenged to listen to our innermost wisdom and yearnings so that we remember why we are here and what is important for us to contribute to the world. 
Birgitte and the artists inspire us to look at our own practice, to pause and adjust your path in life. You quite simply become a better and happier person by being in the company of brave people like these, who have actively taken on the task of being someone who breathes through their heart.
Hanne Frøyr, Writer

With Art & Personal Leadership, Birgitte has created something quite unique. With her always calm presence and great empathy, she directs our attention to how we as humans are part of nature’s large ecology that contains all wisdom. The more we connect, the faster the right answers come to us. To inspire our development, Birgitte presented us to deeply passionate artists who generously shared their reflections and personal practices. The subjects were manifold, but common to all of them was the desire to create and find meaning in an often hectic and brutal world. As my own insights came, a new connectedness to the cohort grew, a special community that we, the participants, built. I think all of us look extremely forward to a new round. We already have a set of concrete tools to continue our developments while we wait. Thank you so much – the course has really set things in motion.
Sally Unsgaard

That things need to come from the heart; that I and the world need more of that approach. That I’m not alone in having that urge. That I see the road ahead – but may need help to stay on it.

Being enriched and validated on a new level. Realising that there is no more time for more evasive manoeuvres, detours and procrastination.

Overall, the course has given us great insight into how deep we actually go. Put simply, we live on the surface, and the course awakened us to what we also are and can be, besides all the things we come across in everyday life.

It is to maintain a greater focus on myself and my own work. On what I want and can do here in this world. It has been great to be allowed to spend time on that, and also to be forced to spend time on that. It is so much easier to solve all sorts of other problems and other people’s problems than to look at your own. It was quite an eye-opener that I can find the quality of my work in the perfectly ordinary, in everyday life. But also that the ordinary, the everyday, is special. To be allowed to be both ordinary and very special at the same time, and seeing that for me those things go hand in hand.

Tanja Jordan, Landscape Architect

The course let me delve into some hugely exciting perspectives on life, nature, family, the importance of sound, which has set in motion some very different thoughts than the ones usually found inside my mind. It has taught me we should trust our own intuition.

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